Ligretto Das Brettspiel
Put cards on the board quickly and correctly; if you are out of cards first, you call “Ligretto Stop” and win the round! You have a set of 15 cards, a corresponding board and 2 joker tokens. Ligretto tokens are placed on the board and mark the possible placement slots. All play simultaneously, draw their top card and place it, when feasible; if not you discard it on your open pile. Covering cards on the board or placing corner to corner is not allowed. The corresponding Ligretto token is placed on the newly placed card. Jokers bridge solitary slots. Then all check the board together and all who played correctly take part in the scoring: The winner of the round and the player with fewest remaining cards score points, all others use two cards less in the next round. After the agreed number of rounds you win with most points.
Card placement game for 2-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2020
Designer: Rudi Biber
Stock #: 49386
Users: For families
Version: multi * Rules: de fr it + es pt * In-game text: no