Karten Kniffel
Kniffel is a Yahtzee-Variant, players try to get valuable combination
from their dice, detailed mechanisms can vary from game to game. Each player
has a limited number of tries to get combinations. In Karten-Knoffel players use
card instead of dice, the game consists of 52 cards in four colors, the cards
show dice emblems and have the corresponding number in their corners. Now again
players try to achieve different combinations.
Card game * 3-5 players from age 5 * ca. 15 min * Serie:
Nimm-mich-mit-Spiele * 53032, Schmidt Spiele, 2000 *** Schmidt Spiel + Freizeit
GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin * Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax:
+49-30-6859078 * www.schmidtspiele.de