Where is the tiger hiding? To fulfil the demand cards players must remember exactly where which picture lies and especially what is shown on the other side of the pictures. The picture cards are spread out on the table, each player receives a demand card, the other demand cards form a draw pile. The active player turns over three picture cards to fulfil his demand card. If at the end of his move there are only those pictures face up on the table that are shown on his demand card, he lays down his demand card and draws a new one. If he could not fulfil his card, his move ends. If a player wants he can discard his demand card and draw a new one instead of turning over three picture cards. When the draw pile is finished, the player with the most points from his fulfilled demand cards wins the game.


Card and memory game * 2 or more players from age 6 * Author: Gunter Baars * ca. 15 min * Serie: Kinderkarten / JANOSCH * 72046, Schmidt Spiele, Deutschland, 2001 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin * Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax: +49-30-6859078 * www.schmidtspiele.de *