

Alter                    7




Collect many chips, give away A few


Geizen is game Nr. 4 in the new series of dice games, by the name of Roll & Play. All players try to acquire as many chips as possible and to have to relinquish as few as possible. Depending on the number of players you start with 18 to 25 chips and take turns to roll the dice. You throw all dice into the tower and must then set aside at least one die in each roll - you can set aside more than one, if you want - until all dice are set aside. Then you place chips onto the board according to result on the dice, always into the first free spot of the row indicated by the die value. On the 1st spot of rows 1 and 2 you must always place two chips. Chips you need to place on green spots come from your own stock, chips to be placed on yellow spots you take from general stock. For a 6 you need not place a die. If you place a chip on a red spot you can take all chips from that row, then all other players must relinquish chips into the general stock according to the number next to red spot. If you empty a row and dice with the row number are still left over, you place again chips into that row. Chips in rows that you did not empty remain there. In your turn you can, if necessary, borrow up to 5 chips from general stock, but must give them back at the end of your turn. If you are out of chips at the end of your turn, the game ends and the player with most chips wins the game.

Geizen very attractively and cunningly varies well-known standard mechanisms and in addition to this captivates with the stable and sturdy box, which doubles as dice cup – an ideal game for travelling or for playing out of doors.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 7+

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Leo Colovini

Grafik          : Dennis Lohausen

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 13 Euro

Verlag          : Schmidt Spiele 2011



Genre                    : Dice game

Zielgruppe             : For families


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de fr it

In-game use of language   : no



Series: Roll & Play Nr. 4

Simple rules

Box doubles as dice cup

Well-known mechanisms nicely recombined

Good for travelling



Engel & Bengel, Gambler, Sharpshooter and other dice game


Zufall                            3

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   1

