Extra is title Nr. 3 in the new Roll & Play series. The dice are rolled and each player forms two pairs, adds the values of each pair and notes it on his sheet, the 5th die is noted extra. You can use each die in the roll only once. All in all you can note down 3 different extra numbers and decide whether to mark again a number already noted or to note a new extra number. If the roll contains one of your extra numbers you must mark it if possible. If you must mark the last place in a column of an extra number, your game ends. When all players have finished, you total all rows – those in the positive area score the corresponding values, those still in the negative all score -200, rows not marked score 0. The player with the highest total wins.
Version : multi
Rules : de it fr
In-game use of language : no
Dice game * Series: Roll & Play Nr. 3 * 1-6 players, ages 8+ * Designer: Sid Sackson * Art: Dennis Lohausen * Editing: Thorsten Gimmler * 49239, Schmidt, Germany, 2011 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * www.schmidtspiele.de