Die Sendung mit der Maus Was passt dazu?


Severalbig cards show the famous mouse from the TV series in many different situations, from gardening to playing tennis. The small cards show things that are needed in the different situations. The small cards are placed accordingly, when all have seen them they are turned over. Then a small card is drawn and if the active player knows where the card is, he may take it. The new card is shown to all players and put face down.


Memory game * 2-4 players from age 4 * Author: Reiner Knizia * ca. 15 min * ca. 10 € * Serie: Nimm-mich-mit-Spiele / Die Sendung mit der Maus * 53039, Schmidt Spiele, Deutschland, 2001 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin * Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax: +49-30-6859078 * www.schmidtspiele.de *