Alter 10
Welt der Wunder
Das groSSe Wissensspiel
The cards in the knowledge game are sorted by color, players receive a marker piece and 3 joker pieces per player or team. In turn all players have an action phase. First, they spin the arrow to determine knowledge or action. The active player tries to solve the task posed to him or answer the question asked by his left neighbor, the acting game master. If you are successful you advance your marker. If you reach or pass your start/finish line again first, you win the game. The actions cards are sorted into the categories “Learning and Memory”, “Invent and Communicate”, “Assess and Assign” and “Recognize and Understand”.
To solve a knowledge question you can either answer yourself or ask for assistance. Your assistant is determined with the spinner. When your assistance answers correctly you both move your markers. The tasks posed by action cards cannot be handed on to another player. The cards “Learning and Memory” can show figures or definitions, you must either put together the shape as in Tangram or remember and repeat the definitions. For “Invent and Communicate” you must explain definition by storytelling or pantomime, in “Assess and Assign” an open round is played by all, events must be sorted chronologically to the correct dates, and for “Recognize and Understand” you just solve a task, it could be an optic puzzle.
Welt der Wunder is a beautiful game using standard mechanisms; it is interesting due to the TV series and the attractive mix of questions and tasks, it is a must-have for fans of such games. It works best with players of similar age or interests or families with older children.
Spieler : 2-6
Alter : ages 10 and up
Dauer : ca. 60 min
Autor : Uwe Schirrmacher
Grafik : Dominik Schindler Creations
Titel englisch : ident
Preis : ca. 35,00 Euro
Verlag : Schmidt Spiele 2010
Genre : Quiz Game
Zielgruppe : For Families
Mechanismen : Answer questions, solve tasks
Standard mechanisms
Good mix of questions
Interesting due to TV series relation
Best with players of similar age
All other quiz games with mixed tasks and questions
Zufall 2
Kreativität 2
Wissen_ 3
Kommunikation 2
Interaktion 2