3 mit Kopf & Pfote Wettbewerb der Tiere


20 animal cubes are placed within the board, white side up. In his move a player determines a starting animal by placing his chip on the cube. The colour die determines the category, speed, breeding time, size, weight or age, the Symbol die determines whether the chosen animals must be stronger or weaker in the category than the starting animal. All players in turn take one cube till all pass, then first the active player and then all others compare the colour codes of the chosen animals – for correct choices they move 1 spot forward, for a wrong choice 1 spot back. Dog spots on the scoring scale earn a point for actions, rabbit actions earn one point for the active player if he finds out which animal cube was removed behind his back.


Quiz and action game * Series: 3 mit Kopf & Pfote * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Helmut Punke * Illustration: Oliver Freudenreich * ca. 20 min * 40427, Schmidt Spiele, Germany, 2006 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * www.schmidtspiele.de