Kumbu Dubbelzijdig Kaartspel
Card version of Kumbu - Memo with doublesided cards, a non-corresponding cards remains open, showing the new image. There are rules for a memo game and rules for more games, e.g. Kumbu Pesten as a variant of Crazy Eight, or oder Kumbi Zabuni as a Perudo variant. In Kumbu Kadi the highest card played wins the trick, you check both sides of all cards.
Card game for 2-8 players, ages 5+
Publisher: Rielekst 2012
Designer: Dennis Merkx, Kees Meis
Art: Dennis Merkx, Kees Meis
Web: www.rielekst.com
Stock #: RIE-KKS01
Users: For families
Special: Many players
Version: nl * Rules: nl * In-game text: no