

Using abilities of face-down characters on the table one tries to acquire 13 gold. If someone goes bankrupt, the richest player wins immediately. In 4 starter turns players swap two cards - or maybe not. Then you have a choice of three actions in your turn: You swap - underneath the table - your card with another - or not, or you look at your card or you name your character. If you name a character, others can protest. When nobody protests, you use this character, even if you bluffed. In case of protest characters involved are revealed: If you are not who you said you are, you pay 1 gold to the Judge. Some characters must meet different conditions to win. The Judge must always be in play.


Bluffing game for 2-13 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Repos Productions 2013

Designer: Bruno Faidutti

Art: Jérémy Masson


Stock#: MAS DE01


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no