Kings under Mountains


You control one of the races rivaling for the treasures within the mountain mines. Four mines and one camp per race are on display, six cards in your hand are units for troops, workers or overseers. You play a card on a mine, always of higher value than the previously played card, and draw a card from either camp or draw pile. The last card played on a mine to achieve the necessary number of cards for conquest determines the owner of the mine, regardless of who played the card. When the owner race is not in play the mine goes to the player who played the last card. Cards played for the mine are placed in the camps, in order of play. To develop a mine that you own you play opponent's units until the necessary number of cards is reached and then, if necessary, an overseer of your own race, again of higher value that the card played before. Workers are discarded and the mine is placed under your King card for victory points. When the draw pile is empty you score points for developed mines minus points for incomplete mines.


Card game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Rightgames / RBG 2013

Designer: Anatolyi Shklyarov, Alexey Konnov, Alexey Paltsev

Art: O.Koloshnik


Stock#: 31-02-01


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en ru * In-game text: no