

The box is used for a stadium, the board, the foul notation board and the playing pieces are put in. Each player tries to be the first to score 3 goals. The game is played in a series of dice duels, after each duel the ball and a player are moved. The higher roll wins, a foul is always the lower result. The winner owns the ball and may move it as far as the dice indicates, without change of direction along the connecting lines, not over a player or over the side lines. Then the loser may move his player one step. If the ball reaches the goal in a direct line a goal is scored.


Dice game with soccer theme * 2 players from age 8 * Designer: Wolfgang Riedesser * Illustration: vitamin-be.de * ca. 30 min * 26 393 6,  Ravensburger, Germany, 2006 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag * www.ravensburger.de