Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Mein Bauernhof Spiel


Placement game, the farm  is laid out. Children from age 4 do exactly that, lay out the village together, completed motives earn them picture cards. Children from age 6 do basically the same, only for them the picture cards are also dealt out and score differently at the end of the game depending on whether a player got them from his own pile or from another player’s pile. Information on the subject is given on the picture cards.


Placement- and learning game * Series: Wieso? Weshalb? Warum * 1-4 players from age 4 or 6 * Designer: Gunter Baars * Graphics: Rolf Bunse * 24 100 2, Ravensburger, Germany, 2005 *** Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.at