Wickie Sagaland
The Viking ship is ready to sail, but Halvar and his men are lounging about under the trees. Ylvi and Wicke go to find them and shoo them to the ship. You roll and move your marker. If you meet another marker you send it to Ylvis house. On green spots you can check who is hiding beneath the adjacent tree. For a double One you can switch two trees or look under a tree or reveal another Viking card. If you found the Viking on the search card, you go to the ship – you must reach it with an exact roll. If you can show the correct tree to the other players, you get the card and turn up a new one. When all Vikings are found, you win with most cards.
Dice, memo and search game for 2-4 players, ages 6+
Publisher: Ravensburger Spieleverlag 2016
Designer: Alex Randolph, Michael Matschoss
Artist: vitaminBe
Web: www.ravensburger.de
Stock#: 21185 2
Users: For children
Version: multi * Rules: de fr it * In-game text: no