Tiptoi Magors Lesezauber


Shortly before the magician’s competition the wicked Raven has stolen the tasks from Master Magor. Players assist Magor to catch the thieve and sopport him in solving his tasks. According to the slogan “hear sounds, do words by magic” players look for letters, make up words and solve puzzles in different levels of difficulty. This trains to recognize letters, assign sounds and also first reading abilities. The tiptoi pen guides players through the tasks and offers support in reading and talking with its very precise voice output. It offers tips and hinst then you touch the info sign and explains the rules. It can also repeat the last statement, you can just look around the game to get to know what is in the magic book or what is stowed away in the cupboard – it is sufficient to touch something and the pen offers the corresponding information.


Educational game in the audiodigital learning system tiptoi * 1-4 players, ages 5-9 * Designer: Kai Haferkamp * Art: Garofalo Gianluca / Plum Pudding * 00 511 6 Ravensburger, 2010 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag * www.ravensburger.de