tiptoi – Die Englisch-Detektive


„Die Englisch-Detektive“ is the topic of the game in the starter set „Pen + Game“ for the audio digital system tiptoi. Professor Mad is creating chaos and players as junior detectives are charged with stopping him. The Pen is game master and sets the task, for instance „black hair, orange shoes and blue jacket“. When the fugitive is found and touched with the pen the correctly executed task is rewarded with a medal. Using the discovery icon on the navigation bar you hear the correct pronunciation and German translation for daily vocabulary like numbers, colours or toys.


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : nein


Game for use with the tiptoi system * 1-4 players, ages 6-10 * Designer: Kai Haferkamp * Art: Dynamo Ltd., ideo, Serviceplan, kinetic * Editing: Clemens Türck * 00 510 9, Ravensburger, Germany, 2010 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag * www.ravensburger.de