Tims Tüftel-Team
The crazy gift-vending machine is broken and must be repaired. The parts chips are laid out, one of them is turned to yellow side for a start and the same one in white is the target chip. You roll the die and place as many domino pieces, the first one onto the start chip, you must build around obstacles. When the row is complete, all give a guess on the outcome and the player who placed the last piece rolls the coin down the starting ramp. When the coin topples all domino pieces in a way that the last one falls onto the target chip you receive a gift for guessing this correctly and rolling the coin. After six rounds you win with most gifts.
Building game for 2-4 players, ages 5+
Publisher: Ravensburger
Designer: Gunter Baars
Art: Michaela Rasch, Kinetic
Editor: Jutta Perkert
Web: www.ravensburger.de
Stock#: 25039 4
Users: For children
Age: 5
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no