Timmy das Schäfchen

Schäfchen Karussell


Timmy the little lamb meets all his friends in the nursery school and they play together, this time with colors. Timmy is dressed in different colors and his friends and the players should guess in which color Timmy is dressed coming out of the nursery school. The lambs are placed randomly into the carousel, 4 are hiding in the nursery school. In your turn you roll the die to determine the number of lambs coming out. Each player gives a guess what color the lamb will be that will be sitting next to the red arrow at the end of the carousel turn. If you guess correctly you win a toy chip. If you collect 5 toy chips, you win.


Memory game on colors * 2-4 players, ages 4+ * Designer: Gunter Baars * Art: Ideenfabrik / Britta Hurter * ca. 20 min * 22 088 5, Ravensburger, Germany, 2011 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag * www.ravensburger.de