Speed Puzzle Schlag den Raab


81 parts to a puzzle and a minimum age of 12 years make you take a second glance. And this glance reveals action and a duel. The box contains two identical puzzles, each player receives all the parts for one puzzle and tries to puzzle the picture together as fast as he can. The first player to finish his puzzle hits the bell and has won. And if that is too easy and too quiet for you, try the hard version with mission cards, for instance “Puzzle it together backside up” and the backside shows only circles or squares …


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en es fr it nl

In-game use of language   : no


A puzzle game for 1-2, ages 12 and up * Illustration: vitamin-be.de * 15 131 8, Ravensburger, Germany, 2010 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag * www.ravensburger.com