Sheepworld Schäfchen zählen


One counts sheep with the aim to collect as many sheep cards as possible, using concentration, reaction and speed- Number cards are laid out, sheep cards are placed in the box, meadow sind up. In a turn one rolls the die, draws the lowest card and turns it up – all players count sheeps in the colour rolled. If one is convinced to have counted correctly, one grabs the corresponding number cards, first hand on the card gets the card. When all players have taken a card the number is checked. The player with the correct card receives the card, at the end the player with the most cards wins.


Reaction game * Series: sheepworld * 2-6 players from age 8 *  Designer: Arno Steinwender * Illustration: * 27 186 3, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Germany, 2006 * Ravensburger GmbH *