Schloss Silbenstein


The Guardians on the way to the throne pose syllable riddles for players to solve and pass. The dwarf loves words with 1 or 2 syllables, the giant with 3 or 4, and the dragon wants words with as many syllables as he has heads. In his turn a player choose a door in his current row and reads out the top riddle card. Then he names a word that is acceptable to the guardian at the back of the door, the motives on the card show possible solutions. When naming the word the player knocks on the big door with the hammer, if the solution is correct he may pass. For the steps the left neighbour chooses an item in the castle for which the player may take on step for each syllable in the word, the first player to reach the throne, wins the game.


Learning game * Series: spielend Neues lernen * 1-4 players from ages 5-8 * Autor: Kai Haferkamp * Graphics: Ray Nicholson * ca. 20 minutes * 25 002 8, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Germany, 2006 * Ravensburger GmbH *