Piglets are slinging mudballs
Piglets behaving like piglets - while Mother Sow is bathing piglets sling a mud ball to and fro and hope not to be caught with it by Mother Sow. The playing unit is assembled and the timer is placed in the middle of the board. As all piglets must play, you play with two neighboring piglets in a game of two players. In a game for three players you alternate each round to play with two piglets. In a game four four players, every player has of course his own piglet to play with.
The time keeper of the round starts the timer and slings the first ball. Then players sling it around by pressing the head of their piglet; if the ball flies out of the board or misses a piglet, you take it back and sling it again. When the Mother Sow comes up from the tub you have to take a face-down Go-and-wash chip if you hold the mud ball at this time. If the Go-and-wash Chip is white, you are the time keeper of the next round. When the chip is pink, there is a Puddle Party: You remove the timer and replace it with the Puddle. Then all players in turn sling the mud ball towards the puddle. If you hit the puddle - you have three tries - you may discard a Go-and-wash Chip if you have one. If someone has to take his third Go-and-wash Chip, regardless of which color, the game ends and you win with fewest chips.
For groups up to eight players you can play the team version - one player as piglet slings the ball with his eyes closed; his Tapper signals him by touching his shoulder when he has to press down the piglet’s head.
Action, perfect for children! Cute topic that you can easily enter into, well-working game unit, simple rules and a huge replay value!
Players: 2-4
Age: 4+
Time: 15+
Designer: not named
Artist: Dusan Lakicevic
Price: ca. 26 Euro
Publisher: Ravensburger 2014
Web: www.
Genre: Action, dexterity
Users: For children
Version: de
Rules: de fr nl
In-game text: no
Cute, witty topic fitting for children
Well-working, sturdy game unit
Lots of fun to play, also for families and adults
Compares to:
Looping Louie and other “I want to play again” action games
Other editions:
Dutch and French editions
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 3
Action (dark green): 3