Ritter Kunibert im Zahlenland


Knight Kunibert chases the number devil to bring back the crowns of the number countries. In his move a player locates the devil, moves Kunibert there and solves three tasks: Pull the correct number of magic crystals from the bag, move the devil to a country without crown and place the correct crown into the country. IF everything is correct the player receives a number coin. When all crowns are back, the player with the most coins wins. In Game 2 a number path comes into play, which must first be mastered, then all crowns are brought back and then the devil is chased on the path, players turn tiles and move, who overtakes the devil ends the game.


Learning game * Series: spielend Neues lernen * 1-4 players from ages 4-7 * Autor: Kai Haferkamp * Graphics: Joachim Krause * ca. 30 minutes * 24 020 2, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Germany, 2006 * Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.at