

A colour allocation game with very nice motives. The four boards show kites, flowers, a house with a lorry in front or four teddies with paint pots, all have holes where the round coloured stones must be placed. The mechanics of the game are always to roll the dice and be the first to fill the picture with all stones. With these basic mechanism three games are offered, always using colour and dot die, players can develop their own ideas or just lay out shapes with the stones.

Edition 1972, 00 706 6 / 601 5 502 X

Edition 1997, 24 398 3


Colour allocation game * Series: spielend Neues Lernen * 2-4 players from ages 3-6 * Designers: Theo und Ora Coster * Illustration: Horst Laupheimer, Kinetic * 25 065 3, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Germany, 2006 * Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.at