Mystery Games Der verfluchte Geburtstag


Hampton Mansion is haunted by ghosts. The birthday party is threatened, therefore the key to the hideout of the master ghost must be found. In six rounds you play several laps of one action according to an action chip. A round begins with reading the indicated information. Then, dice are rolled and players discuss who wants to do which action in the current lap – move pawn, fight ghosts, take mirror or juice, move pawn 3 steps, activate items or lower panic level. At the end of the round you check the master ghost and ghosts haunt. Keys you find open drawers in the apothecary chest when 13 keys are found you know the drawer where the master ghost hides and the game is won. It is lost, if you cannot completely fill the master ghost tile OR the panic token reaches slot 9 OR there is no X marker left in stock. When, at the end of round 6, not all keys have been found, you guess at the right drawer. If you are correct, the game is won, too. A variant using special abilities is included.


Cooperative move and find game with action selection for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Ravensburger Spieleverlag 2021

Designer: Inka und Markus Brand

Development, editing: Anne Lenzen, Stephanie Korupp

Art: Markus Erdt, Chiara Bellavite, KniffDesign


Stock #:  26 948 8


Users: With friends


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