Max Mäuseschreck


Mice are having a party on the big cheese, they climb ladders and slide down the holes, enjoy the good cheese and collect lots of cheese pieces. But cat Max Mäuseschreck is around as well and if you let yourself be frightened you lose the cheese pieces. Mice begin on top of the cheese and slide down the hole, the slot they arrive on is their starting slot. Then you roll dice, move the mouse and and resolve the respective action – take cheese, discard cheese, move Max climb the big cheese and slide down. After each mouse move, Max is relocated. A mouse discards a piece of cheese, if it slides or moves to a slot with Max. If Max moves to a slot with a mouse, the mouse is blocked until Max moves again. If you are first to collect five pieces of cheese, you win.


New edition, 1st edition 2003, Ravensburger 21 678 9


Roll & move and collection game with action slots for 2-4 players, ages 4+


Publisher: Ravensburger Spieleverlag 2021

License: Seven Towns

Development, editing: Stefanie Fimpel, Jean-Baptiste Ramassamy

Art: Markus Erdt, Nina Schmider, KniffDesign


Stock #: 24 562 8


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no