Mauseschlau & Bärenstark

Wissen, Lachen, Sachen machen


In this journey through things to know, things to laugh about and things to do all players try to collect as many mouse and bear cards as possible. In a turn one rolls the die and moves accordingly. On a mouse spot on answers a question, on a bear field one acts out a task, for correct solutions one receives the corresponding card. On an orange-yellow spot one may choose the card, on a white spot one can rest, nothing happens. When a player reaches his house with the correct die-roll, the player with the most cards wins.


Dice- and movement game with quiz elements * Series: Mauseschlau & Bärenstark * 2-6 players from age 5 * Designers: Ingeborg Ahrenkiel and Cornelia Keller * Illustration: Imke Kretzmann * 21 807 3, Ravensburger, Germany, 2006 ***  Ravensburger Spieleverlag *