Level 8 Master
New levels and special cards
Eight levels demand different card combinations, collected from 90 number cards 1-15 in six colors. You hold ten cards and two actions in your turn: You draw a card from the draw pile or from an open discard pile - if you can then lay out your current completed level, you do this - and then discard, as your second action, a card on your own, open discard pile. Then you can immediately add more cards from your hand to your display or that of other players, but this can never complete a level.
You can also add jokers to complete a level, jokers exist for card values 1-5, 6-10 and 11-15 levels, three copies for each joker.
Instead of discarding a card, you can choose to play a special card: A card Die nehm’ ich is placed under the draw pile and you get offered three cards by each player and can take one single card, the other player draws a replacement. A card Die tausch’ ich is also put under the draw pile, you discard up to three cards and draw the same amount from the draw pile. A card Die behalt’ ich is put down openly and at the end of the round, you can keep up to three cards from your hand for the next round, but only if you did not complete a level. The Pass-a-turn cards from Level 8 have been removed.
If you manage to shed all your cards, you end the round and can advance your level marker by two levels; all other players with a completed current level can move their marker by one level. Whoever completes all levels first, wins.
Level 8 offers an all-over fun game for a filler and has two different sequences of levels to offer, with a special rule applying to levels in the second sequence, marked with two stars.
Players: 2-6
Age: 10+
Time: 60+
Designer: not named
Artist: Arthur Wagner
Price: ca. 10 Euro
Publisher: Ravensburger 2016
Web: Cards, set collecting
Genre: Cards, set collection
Users: For families
Version: de
Rules: de
In-game text: no
Variant of Level 8
Same basic rules, changed level combinations
Very good family game
Compares to:
Level 8, Phase 10, Phase 10 Master
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 3
Tactic (turquoise): 1
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 1
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0