Lego Knight’s Kingdom Das Spiel
Four brave knights set out to defeat Vladek the Black Knight in a duel of dice and to save the
kingdom. The game is set up according to instructions, then
players in turn roll the die and move their knight in the direction of the
arrow. Obstacles must be overcome by roll of the die. When the smithy is reached, the knight
receives his armour and sword. Then he moves on to the castle, a knight that
reaches the courtyard, fights a duel against Vladek.
After each round of rolling the die, the winner takes away one part of armour
or weapon from the loser. The brave knights can re-equip themselves back at the
smithy, if Vladek looses all his equipment, he is
defeated, the player who took away the last piece wins
the game.
Adventure game * 2-4
players from age 6 * Designer: Wolfgang Riedesser *
Illustration: Andreas Härlin * ca. 30 Minuten * 21 806 6,