Labyrinth das Kartenspiel


Players lay down cards and thereby build a continuously changing labyrinth. Aim of the game is to make paths in the labyrinth to connect two identical treasures, cards must be placed next to each other, not overlapping. The length of the path and other treasures on the path are of no concern. If a player lays a card and thereby connects two identical treasures he may take the card that was laid out first, as long as that does not isolate a group of cards, a connection along one side of a card must remain. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins the game.

New edition 2005, first edition 2000.


Card place ment game * 2-6 players from age 7 * Autor: Max J. Kobbert * ca. 30 min * 23 206 2, Ravensburger, Germany, 2005 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag *