Kiki Ricky
The rooster has taken over the nest and throws eggs at
the hens, so they try to storm the nest. Hens begin on any spot of the brown
bottom tier, in his move a player rolls both dice. For each hat shown he moves
the corresponding hen one tier up, onto any free spot. If no spot is free, a
hen already there goes down one tier. If the rooster is rolled, one first moves
the hen and then one places the egg in the rain spout and in lieu of the
rooster shoots at the hens. If the egg throws over any hens they are set up on
the next free spot, if necessary one tier down. The first
player to reach the rooster with a hen wins the game
Motion and action game * 2-4 players from ages 4-8 * Designer:
Gunter Baars * Graphics: Christopf Herdt, Kinetic * ca. 20 min * 21 808 0,