

The little bats try to see the world in daylight, but are in danger of getting caught in spider webs, so the Mother Bat is busy to get them home. The active player throws the Mother Bat with one hand onto the cards and uncovers one of the cards she has landed on. Depending on the card he receives a little bat, a cave that protects a bat from spider nets, or a spider net. In case of the spider net one must give a bat back if it is not protected by a cave. The first player to collect four bats wins the game.


Gathering game * 2-4 players form age 4-8 * Designer: Thilo Hutzler * Graphic: Felix Scheinberger * ca. 20 min * 23 185 0,  Ravensburger, Germany, 2005 *** Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.de