Fang den Hut!
First published in 1927 Fang den Hut is still one of the classic family
games – in his move a player rolls the die and moves one of his hats. If he reaches
a hat of another player with the exact number of steps on a yellow square this hat
is caught. Hats on gray squares are not caught, but
only 3 hats or stacks are allowed on a gray square. Imprisoned
hats are deposited in a player’s home square. If only one colour of hats on top
is left in the game, the player with the most imprisoned hats wins. New edition
with a card game by Reiner Knizia, cards are played with the tip of the hat
towards the player, cards and card stacks can be caught, the
player with the most cards wins the round.
Dice and movement game with card variant * Series:
Ravensburger Klassiker * 2-5 or 6 players from age 6
* Designers: C. Neves, Reiner Knizia * Graphics: Walter Pepperle
* 26360 8,