

The legendary world has finally been found and you need to plan your optimum route. Players decide on the side to use for frame and scoring tiles and place four tiles, selected by the starting player, into their frames. Then all mark one village and a type of terrain, three times, adjacent to village or marker. For a round, an exploration tile is revealed, one type of terrain is selected by the starting player and all either place three markings on the terrain not chosen by the starting player OR two markings on the type they chose, orthogonally adjacent to markings already in place.  If you mark a slot with an item, you use the effect of that item. After seven exploration tiles the round ends and all score provisions and gems. After four rounds, you score villages, provisions, gems and temples as well as order tiles if you played the expert version.


Path marking and collecting game for 1-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger Spieleverlag 2021

Designer: Phil Walker-Harding

Development, editing: Jean-Baptiste Ramassamy, Valentin Köberlein

Art: Sabrina Miramon, KniffDesign

Web: www.ravensburger.de

Stock #: 26 982 2


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: de en fr i * Rules: de en fr i * In-game text: nein