Shed your cards is the motto! Cards are number cards in four colors and values of 1 to 8. Bsic cards 1 to 8 are lined ab, the define the columns. The number cards are dealt evenly to players, eauch player takes up five of his cards. In you turn you can add any number of cards to the display – in rows cards next to each other must have the same color. Cards in the display must be connected directly or indirectly to the basic cards. For a trio – 3 cards of the same value and different color in a column or 3 cards of ascending order and one color in a row – you draw a card from your stack and remove cards from the display if you made a trio in a column. When you can place all cards in hand, you give two cards from your stack to another player. IF you place your last card, you win.
Card shedding game for 1-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Ravensburger 2016
Designer: Janet Kneisel
Artist: Martina Hillemann
Web: www.ravensburger.de
Stock#: 20 7657
Users: For families
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: nein