Disney Sofia Komm mit zum Schloss!


Prinzessin Sofia is on her way to the Royal Castle. She is wearing the magical amulet ov Avalor, which usually helps her to get homer quicker, but can also sometimes send her back. You place your Sofia marker at the start. In your turn you roll the color die and move your Sofia to the next case of this color. If it is already taken, you send the Sofia, which is already there, back to the start. If you roll the amulet symbol, you turn over the top amulet tile. You then search for the friend depicted on the tile and move your Sofia marker to this case. Whoever reaches the green case at the castle first, wins the game.


Roll & move game for 2-4 players, ages 3-7


Publisher: Ravensburger 2014

Designer: not named

Artist: vitamin-be.de

Web: www.ravensburger.de

Stock#: 22 282 7


Users: For children

Age: 3


Version: multi * Rules: de fr it * In-game text: no