Die Biene Maja Willi wo bist du?


Maja is looking for her friends among the flowers; Thekla the spider tries to spoil the fun. 19 flowers are laid out, Maja starts in the middle. In his move a player rolls the die and flies with Maja to a flower in the colour rolled. If a friend is under the flower, the player takes the flower, replaces it with one from the stack and may take another move. But – if the same friend is uncovered for the second time, the move ends and all friends must be put back. If a player turns up Thekla, his move ends, if friends are turned up at that moment, the next player can take them. Instead of rolling the die one can exchange friends with another player. The first player to find all five friends wins the game.


Searching game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Thilo Hutzler * Graphics: vitamin-be.de * ca. 15 minutes * 23233 8, Ravensburger, Germany, 2006 ***  Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.de