

Das Nilpferd in der Achterbahn

30 years of a Cult party game


First sighted in on the Rollercoaster 1988, again in 1998 and now the Hippo appears again, completely revised, in 2018, on occasion of the 30 Years Anniversary, featuring 900 completely new tasks! In the cultic party game in two modes - Gemeinsam gegen die Drecksau orTeam gegen Team - you complete tasks for points. In the Drecksau version one Hippo is at the start of the track and the Drecksau at the starting slot of the Pig track. Depending on the location of your marker you try to communicate terms to your team members: By explanations on a green slot, by drawing on a red slot and by pantomime on a blue slot. For each successfully resolved task within the runtime of the timer you advance the Hippo the number of steps indicated by the blue number, or, if you failed, advance the Drecksau as indicated by the red number.

On action cases you complete special tasks - gurgling a word, form a term or solve quiz tasks or tell a story or write down a term in a category and your team mates must name five suitable terms but not the one you wrote down, etc. In the Team mode, one Hippo for each of the two teams starts at the track; if a team fails the task, the red Drecksau points go to the opposing team instead of the Drecksau, and there are other action tasks. The winner is always the team that arrives at the finish of the Rollercoaster track ahead of the Drecksau or the other team.

Already a fun game in 1988 and a successful mix of all those presentation modes that are more than familiar nowadays, drawing like in Pictionary, forming as in Barbarossa, and so on, but then and today the fun was great!


Players: 3-12

Age: 10+

Time: 60+

Designer: Bertram Kaes, Heiner Wöhning

Art: Nora Nowatzyk

Price: ca. 33 Euro

Publisher: Ravensburger 2018


Genre: Party, Creativity, communication

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: dk de en fr nl

In-game text: yes



New revised edition

Familiar mechanisms

Good mix

Very nice new tasks


Compares to:

Activity and all other party games with task mix


Other editions:

Currently none, many earlier ones


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 3

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 1

Action (dark green): 2