Auf heißer Spur


Thieves need to caught, but they all look very much the same. Thieves and houses are set up in a circle. In his turn a player rolls all three dice, the position die determines a house as start fort he run and direction of the flight. The clue die determines the colour of the lost jewels and the attribute dice determines a certain attribute of the thief. All players look for the thief card that shows all three criteria, who finds him slaps his hand on the card – if he is correct he receives the card and the next player rolls the dice, if not he is out of this round. A variant includes special cards like subway or change of clue. The player to collect the most thieves wins.


Search game with detective sujet * 2-6 players from age 6 * Designers: Dominique Ehrhard and Pierre-Nicolas Lapointe * Grafik: Raymond Nicholson * 21 745 8 * Ravensburger, Germany, 2005 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag *