

In the 7th game of the “Key” series we have crossed the sea and are settling in new lands. You start with a home tile and some workers in three colors. In each season ships bring new workers or tiles and you chose a ship and its load, based on bids. With an innovative mechanism you use workers to bid for tiles to add to your village. Workers in the right colors generate resources, skills, additional workers and victory points from your own tiles as well as those in villages of other players and from tiles that are currently auctioned. After four seasons you score tiles in your village and gold counters.


Auction and worker placement game for 2-6 players, ages 12+


Publisher: R&D Games

Designer: Sebastian Bleasdale, Richard Breese

Art: Jo, Juliet and Richard Breese


Stock #: 40016 6


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no