

Kublai Khan wants his sommer palace built and his architects rival for fame and prestige and try to disrupt their opponents. Cards can be used for buildings as sources for resources for all players or as workers for resources acquisition; you sell your constructions to the Khan and win, upon appearance of the game-end card, with most money. A player turn comprises three phases: Selling cards to the Khan, Assigning workers and Building a card - resources come from Passive Resources, Favor of the Khan and assigned workers on your own and opponents’ cards - and Drawing cards.

First edition Azahar Juegos, 2012


Card game for 2-6 players, ages12+


Publisher: Quined Games 2015

Designer: Javier Velásquez

Art: Carolina Tobar, Konstantin Vohwinkel, Santiago Salazar

Web: www.quined.nl

Stock #: Masterprint Pocket 1


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr nl + es * In-game text: no