

The way to Timbuktu is divided into laps with rests in oasis. The number of laps equals the number of players, all try to get as many goods as possible to Timbuktu, but in each oasis thieves are on the prowl. Each caravan must carry a minimum of three different goods, and players know in advance where what will be stolen and can thus try to protect their caravans. The more goods of a kind are out of the game due to theft and camel movement the more valuable are the remaining goods. The player with the highest score from goods retained at the end of the game wins.


Movement and gathering game * 3-5 players from age 10 * Designer: Dirk Henn * Graphics: Jo Hartwig * ca. 60 min * 6043, Queen, Germany, 2005 *** Queen Games * info@queen-games.de * www.queen-games.de