
Ancient conflicts in modern interpretation


Sparta offers the conflicts of ancient city states in a modern interpretation and reduced to abstract mechanisms between two players.

Players start the game with eight fighters of a color and place them on a board of 10x10 squares on the marked squares. Eight city tiles are laid out according to the rules; each player is assigned four of them by showing the appropriate color. Each player also has eight hero pieces, which game into play in the course of the game.

Players move fighters and later heroes across the board to defeat opposing pieces and conquer cities. In your turn you must move one of your own pieces. A fighter moves up to two squares horizontally, vertically or diagonally, a hero up to three squares; both can only move on free squares and can change direction in their move, but not return to the starting position of the turn. When a fighter moves into an owned city he is upgraded to a hero, pieces are switched and the fighter is removed from the game. When a fighter or hero moves onto an opposing city the city is conquered and flipped to show the color of the new owner. A fighter does not turn hero this way! When a fighter stands in an owned city at the start of the turn you can upgrade him to hero instead of moving him. Pieces that are enclosed in unbroken line by opposing pieces are defeated and removed. If you control all cities or defeat all opposing pieces but one you win the game.

A seemingly standard game according to the basic idea, but Sparta is a very strategic and challenging game and interesting due to the decision between upgrading pieces and conquering opposing cities.


Players: 2

Age: 10+

Time: 30+

Designer: Yannick Holtkamp

Art: Claus Stephan

Price: ca. 25 Euro

Publisher: Queen Games 2011


Genre: Abstract placement game

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Topic only present in the graphic design

Good addition to the range of two-player games

Interesting balance between strengthening pieces and conquering cities


Compares to:

All abstract placement game with removing pieces and conquering positions


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0