

Players together lay out the land with villages and towns and try to have the most influence. The castles come into play one by one, they are the basis for the knights which allow players control over the settlements. Who can place the last knight in a settlement scores the victory points. In a move one places up to three tiles, one tile must be placed. If a castle is placed, one may put up to 5 knights on that tile and then move them, on every tile entered a number of knights depending on the landscape must remain, a tile can hold a maximum of 4 knights. When all tiles are placed, the top knight on a tile scores 1 point for a castle, 2 for a village and 3 for a town, the highest total wins the game.


Placement and position game * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designer: Rüdiger Dorn * Graphics: Michael Menzel * ca. 45 min * 7006, Queen, Germany, 2005 *** Queen Games * info@queen-games.de * www.queen-games.de