High Tide


Rivalry for the best spots on the beach! A dice track determines actions - you take dice off the track or draw them from a bag, relocate beach chairs at the beaches of the dice colors and place your towel - to determine turn order - on the first free spot of the dice track and put the dice into the dice pool. When all have been active, you add waves to two beaches. After six rounds or when a beach chair is in the water, the two players at each beach, whose chairs are nearest to the water, four and two points, and the third nearest player one point in case of five or six players. Includes variants Coins, Haialarm and Baywatch.


Placement game with dice for 3-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Queen Games 2017

Designer: Dirk Henn

Artist: Dennis Lohausen

Web: www.queen-games.com

Stock#: 10161


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no