Die Gärten der Alhambra


The gardens of the Alhambra shall be decorated with lemon- und orange trees, palm trees and lavender, optimally arranged to surround as many palace buildings as possible, a tower is more interesting than the serail and the appartments more valuable than the arcades. The active player places his garden stone on an empty square and takes a new one, a newly placed stone must border another stone already placed. When a building is completely surrounded it is scored, points go to the player who could plant the majority of trees around the building.

Reissue of Carat, db Spiele 1993


Placement game with building theme * 2-4 players from age 10 * Designer: Dirk Henn* ca. 60 min * 6039, Queen, Germany, 2004 *** Queen Games * info@queen-games.de * www.queen-games.de