Two Crowns


Each player has his personal deck and draws 7 cards. Two 20-sided dice represent the castles and begin at value 20. As the active player you attack with four cards from your hand, face-down, the defender does the same. The duel is won by the player who laid down more attack points. Attack cards of the defender go to his personal discard pile. When the attacker wins, the opposing castle takes damage equal to the difference in attack points. Knights of the attacker go to rest, you only pick them up again at the end of the next turn, but they count towards the card limit. Instead of attacking you can draw cards. Special cards can be played by both attacker and defender, must be paid for by gold from you hand and you must play them together with at least one Knight. Once in the game one and only one player can reroll his castle - the new value must be accepted. When a castle is down to value 0 this player has lost.


Conflict simulation with cards for 2 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Quantuum Magic 2013

Designer: Wubbo Bos, Stefan Hoek, Matthijs van der Zande

Artist: Stefan Hoek


Stock #: QM 150 10104


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: en nl * In-game text: no