Yvio Pettersson und Findus

Auf dem Bauernhof ist was los


Classic board game plus console technology. You need to buy the console once and find a memory card in each new game, carrying all information. The unit directs the game, administrates dice rolls and tasks, levels, and instructions. Some tasks need dexterity from players.

Auf dem Bauernhof ist was los! provides a collection of educational games, featuring mechanism of spotting, counting, knowledge, recognizing animal sounds, etc.


Collection of educational games for 1-4 players, ages6+


Publisher: PublicSolution 2009

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Art: PublicSolution, Stefanie KÜhl, TV-Loonland

Web: -

Stock #: 98021 0


Users: For children

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes