51st State The New Era


In the card game 51st State, set in the Neuroshima Universe, 30 years after the destruction of the United States, the factions New York, Appalachian Federation as a Feudal Mining Union, Merchant’s Guild and Mutants Union vie for domination in the new 51st state. In each round you receive new cards in the „Lookout“ phase. Locations you can conquer and thereby acquire loot, but only once per location. Or you can cooperate with a location and thereby acquire steady albeit smaller profit in each round, or you incorporate the location into your own faction and thereby win resources and possible actions. In total, a round of the game comprises the phases Lookout, Production, Actions, count Victory Points and clean-up. 

If you reach or top 30 points, you end the game and win.

 In NEW ERA, a stand-alone expansion for 51st State, a new player enters the ring, the Hegemony, a loose union of criminals, gangs and thugs. 


Stand-alone expansion for 51st State for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Portal Publishing 2011

Designer: Ignacy Trzewiczek

Art: Cieslinski, Michał Oracz, Mariusz Gandzel and Team

Web: www.portalpublishing.eu

Stock#: 266268


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en pl * In-game text: some