In Neuroshima: Convoy in der universe of Neuroshima one player commands a convoy of Moloch machines on the march to New York, which is targeted for destruction. The other player commands the divisions of Outpost soldiers. City cards featuring districts are laid out, each player draws four cards and Moloch chooses a target. He attacks the chosen district and has action options which he can use or not. Then Outpost attacks, also with action options. Moloch can activate modules and then the battle is evaluated. Outpost wins when Moloch is out cards in his deck after the final battle in New York and if New York is free of robots.
SciFi conflict simulation for 2 players, ages 10+
Publisher: Portal Games 2012
Designer: Trzewiczek Ignacy
Artist: Michael Sztuka, Piotr Foksowicz and Team
Web: www.portalgames.eu
Stock#: NSK062012
Users: For experts
Special: 2 players
Version: de * Rules: de fr pl * In-game text: yes